Piero Ragazzi | Shipyard surveying
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Shipyard surveying

Marine surveys

When the dimensions of a yacht under construction increase, and consequentially the complexity of the work and the costs involved become significant, the presence at the shipyard of a technician trusted by the vessel owner during the various working phases becomes an indispensable element for the proper management of relations among the involved parties, as well as for the positive outcome of the construction project.

Reaching an adeguate quality standard for the type and value of the construction project is a priority which should not be overlooked, since obtaining a high level of quality guarantees satisfactory use of the vessel, in addition to noticeably reducing the time necessary for maintenance and management costs. It creates the basis for maintaining the value of the vessel over time.

In fact, it is no coincidence that in a period of crisis for yachting without precedent, the boats and ships which have maintained their commercial values most effectively are those where the quality of construction is excellent.

The professional relationship between the owner and the technical office should be initiated before the definitive decision to select a shipyard to construct the desired vessel. An unrealistic evaluation of the quality, commercial validity and solidity of a builder is one of the first mistakes that owners make when approaching the construction project for a new yacht.

Recovering the situation once construction has already begun, and after having already invested a significant amount of money towards the sales price is an arduous task, and it is common for the owner to realize the importance of this preliminary study phase only when problems emerge or when relationships are already compromised.

Another significant aspect of the work of the surveyor involves mediation between the requests of the owner and the technical demands of the shipyard, which are often at odds. Neverthless, it should be perfectly clear that issues arising due to a lack of clarity or experience can also frequently be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved, but that to reach this goal it is necessary that the management of problems is assigned to an expert technician, who can attentively study the situation and who will never forget to apply one crucial factor…common sense.

As far as the general scheduling of the work to be assigned to the technician is concerned, the most opportune type of intervention will be evaluated by the Technical Office based on the available information and submitted for owner’s review. Intervention times and methods will be decided upon in relation to the complexity of the construction project and the numerous variables which make each project different when monitoring costruction works, even when interventions are designed for projects which are quite similar.

Over the course of our business, we have also undertaken projects many hundreds of kilometres away from our headquarters, so it is absolutely no problem for us to rationally and punctually organize the presence of technicians in foreign shipyards.

The costs proposed for the direction of works are obviously in dirsect relation to the commitment and responsibilities assumed, but these costs are absorbed by the advantages derived from the “step by step” management of the various phases of construction and fitting out.