Piero Ragazzi | Insurance survey
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Insurance survey

Marine Surveys

This service is obviously designed primarily for insurance companies needing risk appraisals of the vessel to be insured. In reality, the technical/commercial survey has a fundamental value for the protection of the rights of the insured.

The scope of the insurance survey is in fact to ascertain both the safety conditions of the vessel in question and its current commercial value. This type of investigation is a determining factor each time that a serious accident makes it necessary to agree upon a reimbursement which could be of a significant amount.

These operations are less in depth in the case of a PURCHASE survey, and, if the company allows it, the vessel may also be inspected without towage.

The survey costs vary depending on the type of intervention, quality and special features of the yacht.

Generally, work is carried out on the vessel close to the Office’s operating base in order to contain the transfer costs, but in in particular cases, these types of surveys are also carried out abroad.
